Kim's Book

Strange & Lovely Words

5-Minute Writing Prompts

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Do you wish you could write? Or you'd like to get back into writing? You've landed in the right place! I'm Kim Duke, your writing coach based in Canada. I help women start writing for the sheer joy of it!

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 Kim Duke Writes

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scribbly writers



open post

So you think your life is too ordinary to write about? Forget it. I love writing about all aspects of life and your own life is full of topics for unusual, fun and touching essays. I've written about everything from love to liver! I kid you not.

write about the ordinary


Filed in: {Get inspired}


Writing can be a real bugger. Sometimes you have no idea what you’d like to write about. You want your writing to be profound and meaningful but your brain only comes up with the sound of crickets. This is a writing prompt about a time you needed to loosen up. You?? Yes. You. I’m a […]

Filed in: {Get inspired}


I can’t help it. And if you enjoy writing – you can’t help it either. Eavesdropping. While you wait in line at the grocery store, airport or concert – conversation swirls around you like pieces of paper in the wind . Some of it you block out and ignore. Other conversations? You just can’t stop […]

Filed in: {Get inspired}


Scribbly writer Patricia Coulter's collection of Scribbly issues 1, 2 and 3.

Fall is full of opportunity. We have sunny afternoons and cool mornings and evenings, making it the best of both worlds. No longer will we have that hot sun, making our skin sting like a dodgeball hit. Everything starts to set a pause button. The garden slows down, the lawns are sitting dormant and the […]

Filed in: {Get inspired}


Canadian Scribbly writer Eira Braun-Labossiere holding her copy of Scribbly volume 1 in front of her face. Eyes peeking over the top.

“The thing about creativity is that people are going to laugh at it.  Get over it.”                                                                                […]

Filed in: {Get inspired}


Scribbly writer Sandy P smiling in a studio space.

Muffins are the substance of life. Round and wrapped fresh out of the oven, hot, moist, burn your tongue kind of sweetness, full of chocolate chips melted into a moist cake like surrounding, and a crusty top I eat first. Shards of sugar adorn the top giving an extra boost of sweetness. The homemade fragrance […]

Filed in: {Get inspired}


Scribbly writer Erica Thomas holding her edition of Scribbly

A bright red overcoat with a ruffled petticoat for the stem obviously means this toadstool is a powerful woman with ladylike class. She confidently stands out among the stretching green grass and scattered brown leaves. She is delicate in her detailed and dainty stock that so strongly supports a balloon of protection for all who […]

Filed in: {Get inspired}


A river with white rapids weaving through tall evergreen trees.

Dear Forest,I saw you greet the morning sun as she wrapped you in her warm embrace.I heard your whispers with the breeze. Secrets held in confidence.I watched you dance with the wind to music never composed.I inhaled your essence soft and ever changing.I admired your reflection echo within tranquil waters.I felt the silence of darkness […]

Filed in: {Get inspired}


Bonnie's copy of Scribbly volume 4 on a table with pens and pencils.

I like to write with pencil. Just like pens there are different pencils for different jobs. Wood cased (the kind that require a sharpener), Midori, Mitsubushi. As well as my trusty Pentel Twist Erase lll. (Current favorite lead is a smooth, dark 2B made by Fabre Castell.) Pencils don’t “hitch” like a pen will. My […]

Follow along for more writing inspiration, quirky writing prompts and ideas to get your writing-butt-in-gear.


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10 sneaky words & phrases To CHop from your writing.

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