Kim's Book

Strange & Lovely Words

5-Minute Writing Prompts

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Do you wish you could write? Or you'd like to get back into writing? You've landed in the right place! I'm Kim Duke, your writing coach based in Canada. I help women start writing for the sheer joy of it!

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 Kim Duke Writes

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scribbly writers



open post

So you think your life is too ordinary to write about? Forget it. I love writing about all aspects of life and your own life is full of topics for unusual, fun and touching essays. I've written about everything from love to liver! I kid you not.

write about the ordinary


Filed in: {Get inspired}


Oh my goodness, what a majestic and noisy creature! Your sleek, blue-black, shiny feathers remind me of a photo I once saw of Elvis Presley’s slicked back hair. I see by your shifty eyes and quick movements you are an adventurer, explorer and seeker of treasures. Surely if you could talk, you would brag like […]

Filed in: {Get inspired}


Path in the woods painting by Jim Pescott, Scribbly Member

I love that trees are so quiet and yet they do so much. Simply enjoy a walk in the woods to witness this. There are far too many trees around us to count yet they each join as we wander through their space. Every tree accepts you as you are. We all could do well […]

Filed in: {Get inspired}


Barb D's face hiding behind her issue of Scribbly volume 1

I see her. The old woman. She is sitting on a park bench. The same park bench every day surrounded by birds and squirrels. Each time I come to the park she is here. The old woman is known to all who come to enjoy the park. Every day without fail. Sitting in heavy rain, […]

Filed in: {Get inspired}


Llamas on a grass field with a red sky in the background

I gain solace from nature. Every day begins with meditation on the porch. Birds flutter about, deer graze in the lower pasture, alpacas wander in the upper pastures, Cairn Terrier, Kayley, sits at my side. The changing of the leaves, the wind through the fields, a great Blue Heron just landed. I am whole again. […]

Filed in: {Get inspired}


We’ve all been there. You have the best intentions of writing something brilliant, however, your brain refuses to cooperate. You’ve got nothing but helium between your ears. You type. You delete. You write. You scratch it out. Airhead. So how do you stop the madness? Ditch the expectation that you have to create something brilliant. […]

Filed in: {Get inspired}


“I’ve always wanted to write,” said my talented friend as she analyzed her grilled cheese and tomato sandwich in our favorite cafe. “But I don’t come up with ideas like you do.” And she took a bite and nodded happily at it. I looked at her in disbelief. She’s a natural storyteller and can make […]

Filed in: {Get inspired}


Strange and lovely writing prompts show up in the weirdest places. A few years ago I discovered a massive 75-year-old Oxford Dictionary in a thrift store. 7-inches thick, 13 lbs, and for the lovely price of $4.00. I kid you not. I lolloped right out of the store! (Well, as fast as you can lollop […]

Filed in: {Get inspired}


A Fine Mess

I wrote my Amazon bestseller, A Fine Mess, a few months after I’d finished breast cancer treatment. I had bad chemo hair, a new perspective on life, and a burning desire to help people going through their own fine messes. ie/ Divorce, job loss, illness, death, getting left at the altar wearing a dress worth […]

Follow along for more writing inspiration, quirky writing prompts and ideas to get your writing-butt-in-gear.


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10 sneaky words & phrases To CHop from your writing.

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