Kim's Book

Strange & Lovely Words

5-Minute Writing Prompts

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Do you wish you could write? Or you'd like to get back into writing? You've landed in the right place! I'm Kim Duke, your writing coach based in Canada. I help women start writing for the sheer joy of it!

Hi there! I'm kim. welcome to my blog!

 Kim Duke Writes

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open post

So you think your life is too ordinary to write about? Forget it. I love writing about all aspects of life and your own life is full of topics for unusual, fun and touching essays. I've written about everything from love to liver! I kid you not.

write about the ordinary


Filed in: {Get inspired}


This gorgeous painting by Ramon Casas, After The Prom, 1899, certainly captures how I’ve been feeling lately. I’ve been dealing with a writer’s worst enemy. But my husband expressed it best a few days ago. “I’m not motivated to go to my karate class today,” he said as he poured our morning coffees. “I’ve been […]

Filed in: {Get inspired}


Look at these chickens! This lovely 1916 Gustav Klimt painting, Garden Path with Chickens, always makes me smile. Klimt is famous for many works, including The Kiss, which I had in my living room in my late twenties. Klimt obviously loved women due to how generously and soulfully he painted them. However, I think he […]

Filed in: {Get inspired}


“My idea of a great day is to work on a project, have something good to eat, and maybe do a little thrift shopping too,” said my aunt who was the queen of creativity. She loved to try new recipes, create with her hands, and find the beauty within the ordinary. She taught me the […]

Filed in: {Get inspired}


Let me know if this has ever happened to you. You have a writing idea simmering in your mind.  Perhaps you overheard something interesting at the grocery store. (Yes – all writers eavesdrop! I’m shameless.)  Or maybe you had an unexpected and thoughtful conversation with a stranger and you just can’t stop thinking about it. […]

Filed in: {Get inspired}


Years ago, a friend of mine found this print of The Skating Minister in a thrift store. I was green with envy. I almost challenged her to a snowball fight for it. However, common sense prevailed and I secretly grumbled to myself. All is fair in love, war and thrifting. So why do I love […]

Filed in: {Get inspired}


What you’re looking at is where I’d be living if I had a dollar for every person who said this phrase to me: “I don’t know what to write about.” Maybe you can relate. You have probably always had the desire to write and maybe you’ve dabbled in writing over the years. But more often […]

Filed in: {Get inspired}


Oh life, you can be a little trickster at times. You plant this desire in me to write. It brings my soul such joy! But you also plant the idea that I have to do other things too. Life tasks like keeping my husband, dog, garden, and, relationships alive. Listen. I have the best intentions. […]

Filed in: {Get inspired}


During the short gardening season where I live in Canada, you’ll often find me outside. I enjoy gardening, although I’m not an expert by any stretch of the imagination. Why do I love it? Writing is like gardening. You have to be willing to pull what isn’t working. And you only get better by getting […]

Follow along for more writing inspiration, quirky writing prompts and ideas to get your writing-butt-in-gear.


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10 sneaky words & phrases To CHop from your writing.

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