Kim's Book
Strange & Lovely Words
5-Minute Writing Prompts
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Do you wish you could write? Or you'd like to get back into writing? You've landed in the right place! I'm Kim Duke, your writing coach based in Canada. I help women start writing for the sheer joy of it!
“I’ve always wanted to write,” said my talented friend as she analyzed her grilled cheese and tomato sandwich in our favorite cafe. “But I don’t come up with ideas like you do.” And she took a bite and nodded happily at it.
I looked at her in disbelief. She’s a natural storyteller and can make people howl with laughter. However, here she was, looking at me with an I-wish-I-could-write look over her nasty sandwich. (Grilled cheese? Yes. Homegrown tomato? Yes. Together? Hell, no!)
“Hold on a minute! Anyone can write if they are willing to learn. You can write about anything because even your sandwich has a story.”
I raised my coffee cup and said, “I challenge you to a duel! Let’s start writing down all the reasons people think they can’t write.”
I knew she wouldn’t be able to resist a weird challenge.
Maybe you’re nodding. Perhaps you’re sighing. Or maybe you have a grin on your face right now as you just saw yourself.
Or maybe you’re like my friend who started writing a short essay about her lifelong obsession with grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches.
*Did you love this? Then check out Scribbly – my quirky writing program we snail-mail right to your house.
10 sneaky words & phrases To CHop from your writing.
Chop 10 Sneaky Words & phrases from your writing
Follow along for more writing inspiration, quirky writing prompts and ideas to get your writing-butt-in-gear.
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