Do you wish you knew                  how to write?   
Or you'd like to be a better writer?

Kim Duke Writes

welcome to


I'm so happy you're here! 
And I know you have a longing to write.    
My love of words started early - did yours? I'm the girl who loved reading the dictionary.  Now, I'm an  Amazon best-selling author of A Fine Mess, essayist and full-time writer.  My nonfiction work has been featured/published in the Globe and Mail, NBC News, Medium, Heated - New York Times Best-selling cookbook author Mark Bittman's publication, and I'm a member of Outdoor Writers of Canada.

Your writing coach


well, hello. i'm


               Start writing for joy! Learn how to write without pressure using my 5-20 minute writing prompts (and so much more.) Scribbly arrives in your home mailbox each month and it encourages you to get into the delicious habit of nonfiction and creative writing.  


explore the

You may be an amateur writer but you don't want to look like one!
I could fill ten books with writing mistakes but these are the ten sneaky ones. The best part? Once they're in your head - you can't "un-see them".  Evil laugh!!

10 sneaky words & phrases to CHOP from your writing

Free Bonus!

- Heated editor

"i LOVE your writing."


as seen on:

Follow along for more writing inspiration, quirky writing prompts and ideas to get your writing-butt-in-gear.


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