Kim's Book

Strange & Lovely Words

5-Minute Writing Prompts

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Do you wish you could write? Or you'd like to get back into writing? You've landed in the right place! I'm Kim Duke, your writing coach based in Canada. I help women start writing for the sheer joy of it!

Hi there! I'm kim. welcome to my blog!

 Kim Duke Writes

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open post

So you think your life is too ordinary to write about? Forget it. I love writing about all aspects of life and your own life is full of topics for unusual, fun and touching essays. I've written about everything from love to liver! I kid you not.

write about the ordinary


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An unusual writing prompt that holds layers of delight!

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Because REALLY. Your next writing prompt is in your fridge.

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Step away from the iron! Wrinkles in writing have a job.

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Me in December! John Singer Sargeant, Nonchaloir (Repose), 1911, National Gallery Of Art, Washington, DC. Well, if you could see me now, you’d immediately notice how I’m like this woman lounging on her couch. Okay, I’m not wearing a silk gown, but do flannel pajamas count? I don’t even have a pen in my hand […]

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Margaret Atwood. I want to be like her when I grow up! Internationally renowned Canadian writer, Margaret Atwood, is a force to contend with. I’ve seen her speak, and her wit never fails to catch me off-guard! Margaret isn’t exactly small potatoes. She’s a Canadian novelist, poet, and literary critic. She’s best known for her […]

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This was a nice start to my daily walk! Mock me if you will, however, I’m always on the lookout for something with more than one meaning. I’m a big believer of signs. And I like to write about them too! (Hey listen – I’m not alone in this. Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung, also believed […]

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A thrift store find I simply couldn’t resist! I’m a seeker. A forager; and a thrift store lover; and if a second-hand bookstore crosses my path? See you in a day or so. I’m also a seeker of words. So what do seekers have in common? We discover cool, beautiful, whimsical, odd, thought-provoking, hidden gem […]

Filed in: {Get inspired}


Dictionaries have always been one of my secret loves. (And thesauruses too!) My obsession started early as I’ve been in love with words as long as I can remember. Somewhere along the way in my childhood, someone gave me an old hardcover Pocket Oxford Dictionary. It was navy blue and fit perfectly in my hand.  […]

Follow along for more writing inspiration, quirky writing prompts and ideas to get your writing-butt-in-gear.


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10 sneaky words & phrases To CHop from your writing.

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