Kim's Book

Strange & Lovely Words

5-Minute Writing Prompts

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Do you wish you could write? Or you'd like to get back into writing? You've landed in the right place! I'm Kim Duke, your writing coach based in Canada. I help women start writing for the sheer joy of it!

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 Kim Duke Writes

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Write About The Signs

This was a nice start to my daily walk!

Mock me if you will, however, I’m always on the lookout for something with more than one meaning.

I’m a big believer of signs. And I like to write about them too! (Hey listen – I’m not alone in this. Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung, also believed in the power of synchronicities.)

The Universe sends us messages constantly and as writers, we pay attention. There’s always a story hidden within the simplest things.

I walk daily with my beloved werewolf and a few days ago, I felt a little grouchy. It was one of those days when there was so much to do and not enough time or energy to do it. Even going on my hourly walk felt like a pain in the butt.

The Universe knew I needed a kick in the butt instead.

My werewolf and I had barely started our walk and there it was in big chalk letters on the path:

Have a greate day

Written by some wonderful kid who thought the word great needed a little extra oomph!

I stopped. Looked down, laughed, and took a picture. (My werewolf was a little miffed I didn’t include him in the photo.)

And instantly, my grouchy mood disappeared. Plus, I now had something to write about!

Now It’s Your Turn: Write About The Signs

In the next twenty-four hours? I want you to be on the lookout for signs. Some will be easy to spot and others will be subtle.

Maybe you’re following a big dump truck with a sign on the back that says, “Don’t Push.”

Or you pass a detour sign as you’re thinking about a relationship that is bothering you.

Be on the lookout for the things that catch your eye. There are messages in everything if we’re willing to pay attention.

You’re a writer. These signs also provide writing inspiration. You’ve been given a starting point. An observation. A hint.

Pay attention! And then go write about it.

And now? I’m paying attention to my grumbling stomach and I’m going to have an omelet for lunch with ingredients from my garden.

Why? Because I’m having a GREATE DAY, that’s why!!

*Did you love this? Then check out Scribbly – my quirky and gentle writing program that we snail-mail right to your home. Each issue has a theme, so all you have to do is follow the path! We make writing easy and fun for you. We’re nice like that.

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10 sneaky words & phrases To CHop from your writing.

Chop 10 Sneaky Words & phrases from your writing

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